Sunday 29 July 2012

My Poem ~。~

Today Simon ask us to create a presonal poem, i feeling i going to hell when i doing this, and i know i am lack of artistic sence...well below is my poem...

Today, today, today,
Raining day falling at my head,
Hello, hello ,hello,
Pussy cat hiding below my leg,
Yelling, yelling, yelling,
It looking on my ring,
Danger, danger, danger,
Cat's eye is shinning like an angle,
Ouch, ouch, ouch,
It lost the woman behind the house,
Goddess, goddess, goddess,
Sad feeling and I can't be helpless.

I feeling funny when i done this, and today i learn puts emotion inside a normal poem to make it more interesting, more impact, i think this can put inside my final short film to make better.

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