Tuesday 10 January 2012

1st Blog

I create a new account at wednesday 1:39 am, well i am damm sleepy now.Haha, but i still cant sleep yet, coz i remember i still got assigment to do, is this 1 something like my dairy life. I think SIMON is some 1 like to peeping my life. Well my mark on his hand, i must do it.......lol T.T

At 09/01/2012 ,erm ya is my new course and also is my 1st class,I reach school at 10 am, the creative studio,is my class name, i think is class to let me learning more creative sence. In the class, my lecture SIMON asking class to DRAW SOMETHING CREATIVE. He wan us to draw something like living creature=.= omg. He say my fish so weird. Halo daigo, is skecth man,u no understand is fine, i can explain my fish,hahaha.

In class i know SIMON is like something "content' movie, the what normal people cant understand is his favourite.And he like something cute. We talk movie whole class( i duno why),but it is funny.

SIMON wan us to reasearch why miku so famous,erm i think,i ask my OTAKU friends will got the asnwer,hahaha

Damm i cant think anything goods now,i damm sleepy zzz...


Oh ya SIMON say me is a sleepy man, erm actually i am not sleepy, that is my habit, i still hearing wat he say. But i think he so care,so next time i sit another place hahaha.

Today got 2 class, storyboard and english,the storyboard class so quiet , erm i think nth to say...and the english class also someking of boring class too, lecture play some mini game with us,oh man come on i hate mini game, and something like mini game at class, force me act like a children,aiyo~~~

But got a person , name clement,he say himself got a final fantasy face,but lack hair only,sad case...he can talk out like tis, really speechless...lol

Is you feeling boring? Hahaha, i also duno wat i typing now,i will update more INTERESTING things more...

Last SIMON,is my turn give back you an assigment,go and search what meaning is this:‘偷窺其他人的日記是不好的行為’

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