Wednesday 18 January 2012

A creative product

Lol this is a creative product, a sponges at the bathroom -.- it shape like a mic, can bath and sing at once=.= Wanna be s singer professional? This is the nice choice for us! Hahaha

1 more thing is, i duno y SIMON wan us share some creative work here, I think our blog is showing what we are thinking, if wan see creative work y dun straight look at our facebook? Update everyday right? Got what meaning we show here? Same step,click in and watch...

In my position,blog is show what we are thinking and personal talking, i think jason can understand it,if SIMON wan us write the blog for 'ASSIGMENT', is that means we only create the blog for the MARKS?

Thursday 12 January 2012

Hatsune Miku

Hatsune miku, Create by Japan.well i like the concept because the creator of miku,he can use computer to sing a song. Erm i think mike the ONLY anime-like singer,right? Not only for this, miku is held concert around japan. Actually this creator also create a 'MIKU FAMILY' , if a people ask me Mike Family got how many character i think no people can asnwer,because it is too many. Miku also is the Otaku's Idol. It successfully got concert for otaku,hahaha.

Some of people belive miku is a real people ( Of Course Not Me La )In my opinion, why Miku so popular, because it is sing by a software name VOCALOID. Well we also can create our own song by using this software. Only enter a simple tone can create a song out already. Web site also got many information (but too complex for me =.=, sry my realization is low...)

Ya i got it, Miku popular because is song customization, and this also most people talking at most website.(Update at 9.42pm)

I belive Miku popular not only the concept, but the commercialize character design---the cute face. It like the goddess inside otaku's heart. Like a goddess sing a song for me,how feeling good that is....

Finally,Miku is "ok" for me only,conclusion is Miku is a software singer,the quality cannot match for real people singer. I never belive a computer can bring emotion to us, i before hear a singer song can make me cry,can Miku do that? I dun think so....

By the way, i agree Miku is a creative nice work for the world...

That is all...Update later...

Wednesday 11 January 2012

The movie

The Devil Wears Prada

Is Devil Wears Prada not 'The Devil's Wear Prada' =.=

This movie is Simon ask me to watch it, say real i not so like to watch this kind of movie,because i watch the movie and i can guess next its happening. And i asleep when i watching this movie =.= 

And this movie tell us dun so easy to give up when got a target. Inside the movie got show our future while we going to work in the community. Coordinate with other people and work harder,no prioccupied. And while a people too focus in the work, will lost frd. That means, when we lost a job, still can request a new 1,while we lose a frd, we will hard or 'NEVER' request again.

In my conclusion,this movie is telling us the truth in our future while we are working.

Seriusly i dun like this kind of movie,i duno SIMON say this movie is 'good movie' ,content?= = i dun think so...

Tuesday 10 January 2012


Wednesday 11/1/12, today i going to 1st short movie class, the lecture name Hoyi( Right? no wrong i think) hahaha, Hoyi shows a lot of artwork he done before, that time i fell myself like a failure at art industry,becouse when i watch the artwork that Hoyi how me,i feel self-abased.

Hoyi rendering, modelling and lighting are quite good. We both also same diploma student,but skill alot of diffenrence(when he still studying also better than me,damm)=.=

But Hoyi is a good lecture i never meet before at dasein, he teaching us advanced skill inside maya,and understand lecturing (am i grammar wrong? lol) ,well, i think i may learn alot of thing at Hoyi.

That is all, i update later....

1st Blog

I create a new account at wednesday 1:39 am, well i am damm sleepy now.Haha, but i still cant sleep yet, coz i remember i still got assigment to do, is this 1 something like my dairy life. I think SIMON is some 1 like to peeping my life. Well my mark on his hand, i must do T.T

At 09/01/2012 ,erm ya is my new course and also is my 1st class,I reach school at 10 am, the creative studio,is my class name, i think is class to let me learning more creative sence. In the class, my lecture SIMON asking class to DRAW SOMETHING CREATIVE. He wan us to draw something like living creature=.= omg. He say my fish so weird. Halo daigo, is skecth man,u no understand is fine, i can explain my fish,hahaha.

In class i know SIMON is like something "content' movie, the what normal people cant understand is his favourite.And he like something cute. We talk movie whole class( i duno why),but it is funny.

SIMON wan us to reasearch why miku so famous,erm i think,i ask my OTAKU friends will got the asnwer,hahaha

Damm i cant think anything goods now,i damm sleepy zzz...


Oh ya SIMON say me is a sleepy man, erm actually i am not sleepy, that is my habit, i still hearing wat he say. But i think he so care,so next time i sit another place hahaha.

Today got 2 class, storyboard and english,the storyboard class so quiet , erm i think nth to say...and the english class also someking of boring class too, lecture play some mini game with us,oh man come on i hate mini game, and something like mini game at class, force me act like a children,aiyo~~~

But got a person , name clement,he say himself got a final fantasy face,but lack hair only,sad case...he can talk out like tis, really

Is you feeling boring? Hahaha, i also duno wat i typing now,i will update more INTERESTING things more...

Last SIMON,is my turn give back you an assigment,go and search what meaning is this:‘偷窺其他人的日記是不好的行為’